Fetish for heart break.

So I have no idea what’s wrong with me. I date a boy. A day later I’m “bored”. It’s like they dont make an effort to be with me. That! And when I date somebody I feel like people are judging me. It feels like we shouldn’t be together.
Okay it starts like this. I’m with talking to this guy. He asked me out and I said,”what the heck! Okay.” So that same night, I’m getting ready for bed. I’m about to say goodnight when I realize, I don’t want to be with this person. So I just stopped texting him. I get to school and tell my friends. They came up with the conclusion that I am a “player.”
Well I am not. I actually, sort of, just a little, maybe like to play around with them. Then I hate when they do it back to me.
Well today, I was talking to my other friend and we found out that, I crave for the feeling of getting my heart broken.
Yes, you read it right. I enjoy getting my HEART BROKEN.  It’s weird huh? So my friends call it a fetish.


They’ve never met a person like me. Or known a person like me. Yes i know. I am a strange person.

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10 reasons why the “10 reasons to ban handheld devices” article is wrong, stupid

No, Strike That

There is a horrible article making the rounds right now from HuffPost written by the new self-appointed leader of the “Save the Children” crusade, Cris Rowan.And this time, she’s after our iPhones! Get the pitchforks Cleetus, we’re gonna have an angry mob!

I feel horrible for even doing this, because rule number 1 of the Internet is “Don’t Feed the Trolls”. Still,if you want to see what bad science looks like when it’s covered in citations you should go read this article (nostrikethat, 2014).

The short version (although it’s hard to summarize a listicle) is that “technology” is destroying the brains of our children and OH GOD WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN? Technology is defined as “cell phones, internet, iPads, TV”(The stupid article, 2014), which is good because I would hate to have to rip out my toilets. Lucky for the Nostrikethat household, Poop Vanishing Technology is exempt!


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When I got gutsy — and finally lost that weight

I loved this post! I feel the exact same way you felt! Maybe it’s time I star doing what you did. After all, it’s a New Year. 🙂 thanks for the inspiration!

write meg!

I wasn’t sure I could do it.

And I wasn’t sure I wanted to.

I’d grown used to being the curvy girl — the one with the “pretty face.” Even as my dress size climbed through my teens and twenties, I refused to give in to self-doubt. I didn’t want to focus on my weight — even though, in reality, I already was.

When I needed larger jeans, I bought them.

When I wanted to have a second cupcake, I did.

Christmas cupcake

I’d gotten listless, cranky, easily tired or sick. But I wasn’t a woman accustomed to depriving herself or scaling back. I was afraid to address the issue of my climbing weight because I “didn’t want to obsess about it,” as I told my fiancé. The idea of a weight loss program where I’d have to track points — and be held accountable for everything that passed through my lips…

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